Sunday, 23 February 2014

Poem - More Than You Appear

I know you
I see you
You are more than you appear

The world holds you back
Says you can't
Says you'll fail

And you believed them
You stopped trying
You gave up.

But I know you
And I see you
You are more than you appear

You are strong
You are gifted
You are so much more than what they say

People judged you harshly
They said you couldn't
Said you're broken

And you accepted it
You claimed the lie
You hid yourself

But I hear you
And I know you
You are more than what they say

You are brave
You are whole
You are so much more than the world believes

Strangers tear you down
They say you're weak
Say you'll fail

And it became your mask
You hid from the world
Hid from yourself

But I see you
And I hear you
You are more than you appear

You are powerful
You are worthy
You are so much more than what you see.

Poem - Pen And Paper

I don't understand this urge to write,
But it's there just the same
With the same compelling drive
As the need to own my name

It's a calming soothing release
As it strikes my edginess
It pours out all my anguish
And relieves me of my stress

Pen across paper, ink flowing free
Words take form beneath my hand
It soothes the soul, and clears the mind
Like a stroll across the sand

Pen and paper, my release
My escape from the day to day
Everything I see will change
I recreate, I mold like clay

I write what I feel and see
Words are my life, my soul
They'll show you what's inside
Broken, incomplete, or whole

You'll see the real, honest me
If you take the time to look
My words reveal all of me
Like a smoothly written book.