Hey everyone!
I know it's been forever since I've updated my blog, and I know that I REALLY need to get back into the habit of updating on a regular basis. I miss posting here. So, while I can't promise that I'll be perfect about updating here, I can promise that I'm going to make an effort.
I wanted to share with you why I've been away from my blog for the last while. I've been working hard at revising The Ember (book 2 of Future of Flames). I've been really pushing myself to make progress on it, because I've recently signed with Entertwine Publishing (http://entertwinepub.webs.com/). I'm very excited to work with a great team to make my books the best they can be!
So I've been a tad distracted with the thrill of being signed by a publishing company. I've been trying to make sure I have everything ready to go. But just because my books are being published, that does not mean I should let go of my blog. My poetry is still a way I express myself, and I still want to share my musings with you.
I hope this post finds everyone well, and I hope that you come back to read future blog posts.
Liz' Messier
(P.S., I'd love to hear what I've missed in your lives! leave a comment and tell me what's going on!)
Liz, i'm thrilled for you!