Thursday, 5 September 2013

Poem - The Truth

Life has destroyed me, and broken my heart
Pain has weakened me, torn my world apart
Fear has engulfed me, and stolen my home
Life has betrayed me, and forced me to roam

I hide this pain inside with an unreal smile
I think to myself, "I'm ok for a while"
If I say the right words, they'll think I'm alive
When all the while, I fight to survive

So I'll speak of God and all that He's done
I'll show them my "dreams"; they share in my "fun"
But it's not really real, the pain's setting in
The world will see me, my lie's wearing thin

I want the hurt to end; I don't care how
I want the pain to stop, to fade away now
If I need to die, it doesn't matter to me
So take my life, I know where I'll be

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